The itinerary lasts 12days 16hrs 21min, and has 14 steps, and it will cost 715 euros minimum.
Paris - Vienna
The step from Paris to Vienna lasts 14hrs 53min. You'll travel in a night train from the company ÖBB.
On board, you'll have access to: Drinks and snacks.
You can find tickets from 80 euros.
Vienna - Bucharest
The step from Vienna to Bucharest lasts 18hrs 30min. You'll travel in a night train.
You can find tickets from 70 euros.
Bucharest - Istanbul
The step from Bucharest to Istanbul lasts 11hrs 59min. You'll travel in a bus.
You can find tickets from 45 euros.
Istanbul - Tbilisi
The step from Istanbul to Tbilisi lasts 1day 2hrs 00min. You'll travel in a bus.
You can find tickets from 50 euros.
Tbilisi - Vladikavkaz
The step from Tbilisi to Vladikavkaz lasts 5hrs 30min. You'll travel in a bus.
You can find tickets from 25 euros.
Vladikavkaz - Moscow
The step from Vladikavkaz to Moscow lasts 1day 12hrs 00min. You'll travel in a night train.
You can find tickets from 50 euros.
Moscow - Oulan-Oude
The step from Moscow to Oulan-Oude lasts 4days 0hrs 00min. You'll travel in a night train.
You can find tickets from 150 euros.
Oulan-Oude - Ulan Bator
The step from Oulan-Oude to Ulan Bator lasts 10hrs 00min. You'll travel in a bus.
You can find tickets from 25 euros.
Ulan Bator - Zamiin Ude
The step from Ulan Bator to Zamiin Ude lasts 12hrs 59min. You'll travel in a night train.
You can find tickets from 15 euros.
Zamiin Ude - Erenhot
The step from Zamiin Ude to Erenhot lasts 3hrs 00min. You'll travel in a bus.
You can find tickets from 10 euros.
Erenhot - Pékin
To take your ticket, simply ask the minibus and bus drivers on site!
The step from Erenhot to Pékin lasts 10hrs 00min. You'll travel in a night bus.
You can find tickets from 25 euros.
Pékin - Kunming
The step from Pékin to Kunming lasts 1day 11hrs 00min. You'll travel in a night train.
You can find tickets from 70 euros.
Kunming - Vientiane
The step from Kunming to Vientiane lasts 9hrs 30min. You'll travel in a high-speed train.
You can find tickets from 70 euros.
Vientiane - Bangkok
The step from Vientiane to Bangkok lasts 15hrs 00min. You'll travel in a bus.
You can find tickets from 30 euros.