The itinerary lasts 9days 5hrs 19min, and has 17 steps, and it will cost 644 euros minimum.
Paris - Vienne
The step from Paris to Vienne lasts 14hrs 53min. You'll travel in a night train from the company ÖBB.
On board, you'll have access to: Drinks and snacks.
You can find tickets from 80 euros.
Vienne - Bucarest
The step from Vienne to Bucarest lasts 18hrs 20min. You'll travel in a night train.
You can find tickets from 65 euros.
Bucarest - Istanbul
For reservations, we recommend going to the station to get a train sleeper
The step from Bucarest to Istanbul lasts 18hrs 30min. You'll travel in a night train.
You can find tickets from 40 euros.
Istanbul - Ankara
The step from Istanbul to Ankara lasts 5hrs 00min. You'll travel in a high-speed train.
You can find tickets from 14 euros.
Ankara - Erzurum
The step from Ankara to Erzurum lasts 1day 0hrs 00min. You'll travel in a night train.
You can find tickets from 15 euros.
Erzurum - Hopa
The step from Erzurum to Hopa lasts 5hrs 00min. You'll travel in a bus.
You can find tickets from 13 euros.
Hopa - Sarpi
Please note that advance bookings are not possible! For this stage, you need to go directly to the Marshrutka (minibus) station.
The step from Hopa to Sarpi lasts 00hrs 30min. You'll travel in a bus.
You can find tickets from 3 euros.
Sarpi - Batoumi
Take to city bus.
The step from Sarpi to Batoumi lasts 1hrs 00min. You'll travel in a bus.
You can find tickets from 2 euros.
Batoumi - Tbilissi
The step from Batoumi to Tbilissi lasts 5hrs 10min. You'll travel in a intercités.
You can find tickets from 12 euros.
Tbilissi - Vladikavkaz
The step from Tbilissi to Vladikavkaz lasts 5hrs 30min. You'll travel in a bus.
You can find tickets from 25 euros.
Vladikavkaz - Astrakhan
The step from Vladikavkaz to Astrakhan lasts 9hrs 58min. You'll travel in a bus.
You can find tickets from 26 euros.
Astrakhan - Atyraou
The step from Astrakhan to Atyraou lasts 12hrs 00min. You'll travel in a night train.
You can find tickets from 43 euros.
Atyraou - Almaty
The step from Atyraou to Almaty lasts 1day 16hrs 00min. You'll travel in a night train.
You can find tickets from 67 euros.
Almaty - Urumqi
For this stage, you can book at the Almaty bus station (Sayran Bus Station), directly at the counter.
The step from Almaty to Urumqi lasts 23hrs 58min. You'll travel in a night bus.
You can find tickets from 50 euros.
Urumqi - Xi'An
For this stage, you can book at the Almaty bus station (Sayran Bus Station), directly at the counter.
The step from Urumqi to Xi'An lasts 13hrs 00min. You'll travel in a high-speed train.
You can find tickets from 62 euros.
Xi'An - Fuzhou
For this step, you can use the official Chinese application “12306 China Railway” or the website (which takes a commission on your reservation).
The step from Xi'An to Fuzhou lasts 9hrs 30min. You'll travel in a high-speed train.
You can find tickets from 75 euros.
Fuzhou - Nangan
For this stage, go directly to the Fuzhou ferry terminal. Find out more in this guide!
The step from Fuzhou to Nangan lasts 15hrs 00min. You'll travel in a ferry.
You can find tickets from 52 euros.